Bride of Christ


Eph 5:31-32; Gen 2:24; I Cor 6:15-17.
      "Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and they shall become one flesh," Gen 2:24.

      "Therefore (for this reason) a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife." God ordained that a young man and young woman remain obedient at home until they are married, and this is still the command of God for Godly christian homes. Also, as we find in the Bible, parents must daily and meticulously teach and train their children in all the Word of God so that the children will respect and follow parental advice and guidance in selecting a wife or husband as a God-ordained life-long partner in this sacred union.
       "They two shall become ONE FLESH" Eph 5:31. This is a unique and singular statement with profound meaning beyond the normal analysis. The statement was first made by the Lord in Gen 2:24 (Mt 19:4-5), and the richness of its meaning is increasingly revealed throughout the Scriptures, though much of it is hidden in the mysteries of the kingdom of God, and is revealed to those who will live humbly, godly, and who diligently pursue the "excellency of the knowledge of Christ," Mt 13:11-17; Phil 3:8; II Pet 1:1-11.
      "He who is joined to an harlot is ONE BODY" I Cor 6:16. "What? know ye not that he which is joined to an harlot is ONE BODY? for TWO, saith he, shall be ONE FLESH," I Cor 6:16. The TWO become ONE BODY. A sex relation with anyone other than a proper married partner is a gross violation (even by unsaved people) of the divine and sacred ONE BODY union of Christ and His bride people. The marriage union among all mankind is God's design to reflect the marriage union between Christ and His bride people, though with Christ and the glorified saints there will no longer be male and female.
       "He that is joined to the Lord is ONE SPIRIT (BODY)," I Cor 6:15-17. With Christ and His bride after the resurrection, that unique oneness will reach perfection, but will be immeasurably more singular and unique from the other humans and from those who are not firstborn sons of God. That unique oneness can hardly be expressed explicitly and fully at present, though we will continue to expand on it in a rather cloaked manner.
      Observe the "association of sameness" and yet the "contrast of difference" -- between "one BODY," "one FLESH," and "one SPIRIT." Carefully compare this with the distinction between the "earthy" and "heavenly" bodies of I Cor 15:44-50. Christ's BODY in His resurrection was made a life-giving SPIRIT. His physical body was made a SPIRIT body, a heavenly body in contrast to a physical, material, earthy body. The glorified saints will experience the spirit dimension of life, power, knowledge, peace, and happiness which immeasurably excels the physical dimension. Those not in the bride of Christ will NOT receive the heavenly body. That heavenly. spirit dimension is reserved only for the bride among mankind. This is the birthright of the firstborn.
      The "SAMENESS" is that the "one body" and "one flesh," are referring to the "two" being "one BODY." A unique but common oneness of holy and shared family life between male and female in the physical realm.
      The "DIFFERENCE" is that being joined to the Lord (being a member of Christ's glorified body) our body is reckoned to be a glorified, divine, spirit body. According to the covenant reckoning, our bodies, being metaphorically joined to Christ, are already reckoned to be glorified members of the glorified body of Christ, Rom 6:11 (3-13). Therefore, our physical body is reckoned to be a glorified, spirit body, which it will really be in the resurrection providing we "flee fornication" and other worldly lusts, I Cor 6:13-20; 15:44-50; Phil 3:7-14; Ja 4:4.