Firstborn Sonship of Christ

Volume Seven
The New Birth


      This is Volume seven on The Firstborn Sonship of Christ, and is the second volume on the introduction to the new birth in the Old Testament. The basis for these books is the resurrection birth of Christ, which demonstrated a divine and instantaneous birth from Christ's human body of the first Adam into the spirit (heavenly, divine) body that Christ created in His resurrection. In His resurrection, Christ created a new kind of human-divine body, and became the Second Adam and forerunner of a new human-divine race of firstborn sons of God, which God, from before creation, predestined to be joint heirs of all creation together with Christ. The other sons will constitute the nations on the new earth (Rev 21:23-26), but will never share the divine nature of God.
      The first five volumes draw from the New Testament, to be followed by 5 or 6 volumes of introduction to the new birth in the Old Testament. This also will be followed by a number of volumes on the new birth in the Old Testament. The theme, the harmony, and the flow of the firstborn sonship of Christ through both Old and New Testaments is awesome, and requires that we recognize this as the central and undergirding theme of the whole canon of sacred Scriptures. Printed in April 2004.