Firstborn Sonship of Christ
which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have
seen with our eyes, which we have looked upon, and our hands have
handled, concerning the Word of life,
2 "The life was
manifested, and we have seen, and bear witness, and declare to
you that eternal (divine) life which
was with the Father and was manifested to us," 1Jn
"Therefore, from now on, we regard no one according to the
flesh. Even though we have known Christ according to the flesh,
yet now we know Him thus no longer.
17 "Therefore, if anyone
is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away;
behold, all things have become new," 2Co 5:16-17.
What Paul and John, through
inspiration, had in mind is demonstrated below.
"The wind blows where it wishes, and you hear the sound of
it, but cannot tell where it comes from and where it goes. SO IS
Two of Jesus' disciples
were walking along the road from Jerusalem to Emmaus on the day
of Jesus' resurrection. They appeared to be sad, somewhat
excited, but very much perplexed.
"So it was, while they conversed and reasoned, that Jesus
Himself drew near and went with them.
16 "But their eyes were
restrained, so that they did not know Him," Lk
Jesus asked them why they
were so sad and what they were talking about. They asked Him if
He were a stranger in Jerusalem and had not heard what had
happened there the last few days. They explained how Jesus had
been crucified and buried, but this was the third day since and
there was a rumor that He was alive from the dead.
"Then He said to them, ‘O foolish ones, and slow of heart to
believe in all that the prophets have spoken!
26 "'Ought not the
Christ to have suffered these things and to enter into His
27 "And beginning at
Moses and all the prophets, He expounded to them in all the
Scriptures the things concerning Himself.
28 "Then they drew near
to the village where they were going, and He indicated that He
would have gone farther.
29 "But they constrained
Him, saying, ‘Abide with us, for it is toward evening, and the
day is far spent.' And He went in to stay with them.
30 "Now it came to pass,
as He sat at the table with them, that He took bread, blessed and
broke it, and gave it to them.
31 "Then their eyes were
opened and they knew Him; and He vanished
from their sight," Lk 24:25-31.
Suddenly Jesus vanished out of their sight. Where did He go? They
could thoroughly search the house, the yard, the community, but
Jesus had just plain vanished. They
could search all they wanted, but they would not find Jesus,
because He had suddenly and completely vanished. Jesus now had a deified, spirit,
heavenly body. His human body had been born of God from the dead,
and it was now a supernatural, divine body, born of the Spirit of
"The wind blows where it wishes, and you hear the sound of
it, but cannot tell where it comes from and where it goes. So
is everyone who is born of the Spirit," Jn
After His resurrection Jesus
had ascended to heaven to present Himself before the Father on
behalf of this new creation of His firstborn sonship, Jn 20:17.
Then Christ descended back to earth and spent forty days with the
"To whom He also presented Himself alive after His suffering
by many infallible proofs, being seen by them during forty days
and speaking of the things pertaining to the kingdom of
God," Act 1:3.
These two disciples to whom
Jesus appeared in Emmaus were very excited, and rushed back to
Jerusalem to tell the others.
"And they said to one another, ‘Did not our heart burn
within us while He talked with us on the road, and while He
opened the Scriptures to us?'
33 "So they rose up that
very hour and returned to Jerusalem, and found the eleven and
those who were with them gathered together,
34 "Saying, ‘The Lord is
risen indeed, and has appeared to Simon!'
35 And they told about the
things that had happened on the road, and how He was known to
them in the breaking of bread, Lk 24:32-35.
"Now as they said these things, Jesus Himself stood in the
midst of them, and said to them, ‘Peace to you,'"
Lk 24:36.
Jesus suddenly appeared
again, fully visible to the whole group. Jesus did not come
through the door and walk past some of them to get into the
"midst of them." He did not
come through a window or through the roof. He just suddenly
appeared right in the midst of them, as we say, "out of nowhere."
"The wind blows where it wishes, and you hear the sound of
it, but cannot tell where it comes from and where it goes. So
is everyone who is born of the Spirit," Jn
John 3 speaks of the
resurrection birth of the human body, showing the kind of body it
is. It is not the birth of man's spirit, but the second birth
of both body and spirit, with emphasis on the body. Observe as we
"But they were terrified and frightened, and supposed they
had seen a spirit.
38 "And He said to them,
‘Why are you troubled? And why do doubts arise in your
"'Behold My hands and My feet, that it is I Myself.
Handle Me and see, for a spirit does not have FLESH AND BONES as
you see I have.'
"When He had said this, He showed them His hands and His
41 "But while they still
did not believe for joy, and marveled, He said to them, ‘Have you
any food here?'
42 "So they gave Him a
piece of a broiled fish and some honeycomb.
43 "And He took it and
ate in their presence," Lk 24:39-43.
"The wind blows where it wishes, and you hear the sound of
it, but cannot tell where it comes from and where it goes. So is
everyone who is born of the Spirit," Jn 3:8.
"Behold My hands and My feet, that it is I Myself. Handle Me
and see, for a spirit does not have flesh and bones as you see I
have," Lk 24:39.
John 3 is explicitly speaking
of the resurrection birth of the body – "flesh and bones." A spirit does not
have flesh and bones, as Jesus' resurrection body has.
Jesus' human body was born of the
Holy Spirit, and thereby was born into a divine (spirit,
heavenly) body from above as 1Co
15:44-50 describes.
This is not a birth of the
human spirit at first faith. There is nothing in John 3 that
indicates a birth of the human spirit. Quite to the contrary,
verse 8 convincingly establishes a perfect and beautiful harmony
with the resurrection birth of Christ's human body, as
described in 1Co 15:44-50 and in Christ's resurrection
appearances. Our forefathers in the faith were cunningly deceived
by Satan into accepting a born again at first faith Protestant
doctrine, which is not the doctrine of Christ. As a result we are
about to abort the firstborn sonship and lose the Father and the
Son, 2Jn 9.
24 "Now Thomas, called
the Twin, one of the twelve, was not with them when Jesus
"The other disciples therefore said to him, ‘We have seen
the Lord.' So he said to them, ‘Unless I see in His hands the
print of the nails, and put my finger into the print of the
nails, and put my hand into His side, I will not
26 "And after eight days
His disciples were again inside, and Thomas with them. Jesus
came, the doors being shut, and stood in the midst, and said,
‘Peace to you!'
27 "Then He said to
Thomas, ‘Reach your finger here, and look at My hands; and reach
your hand here, and put it into My side. Do not be unbelieving,
but believing.'
28 And Thomas answered and
said to Him, ‘My Lord and my God!"' Jn
8 "The wind blows where it wishes, and
you hear the sound of it, but cannot tell where it comes from and
where it goes. So is every one who is born of the
Spirit," Jn 3:8.
After eight
days the disciples were together again, and Thomas was with them
– he was not with them the first time. The other disciples told Thomas how Jesus had appeared to them, but
he said,"Except I shall see in His hands the print of the
nails, and put my finger into the print of the nails, and thrust
my hand into His side, I will not believe," Jn
Then with, "the doors being shut," Jesus again
suddenly stood in the midst of them. "Then said He to Thomas, "Reach hither your
finger, and behold My hands; and reach hither your hand, and
thrust it into My side: and be not faithless, but
believing," Jn 20:27.
Nails cannot pierce the hands
of a spirit, nor can a spear pierce the side of a spirit.
Jesus's spirit left His body while the body was still nailed
to the cross. Now, however, Jesus' body had been raised (born
again) from the dead into a deified body. That born again, divine
body could take on a physical, tangible form with flesh and
bones, or be invisible and intangible.
A divine (born again) body
can be:
Tangible and visible or invisible, as in the scriptures
2. Intangible and visible or
invisible, as in the scriptures above.
3. Pass
through walls and other physical objects, as in the scriptures
Shine like a light, like the sun and the stars of heaven, Dan
12:3; Mt 13:4.
Burn with blazing fire without injury of any kind, 2Th 1:8. Fire
is an attribute of God, Dan 7:9-10: Heb 1:7.
Traverse space faster than light (Dan 9:23) – an attribute of
Will be telepathic, as Jesus often demonstrated (Mt 12:25; Lk
6:8), an attribute of God – plus all the divine attributes of
God, except infinity
. "The wind blows where it wishes, and you hear the
sound of it, but cannot tell where it comes from and where it
goes. So is everyone who is born of the Spirit," Jn
When Jesus
ascended back to heaven, He stood before His disciples teaching
and comforting them in a born again, deified body. When He
finished talking to them, He began gracefully to rise into the
air and ascended into heaven in a cloud as the disciples gazed at
Him, Act 1. Neither gravity, nor oxygen, nor distance, nor
anything else had any power over His divine born again body.
Likewise, when Jesus comes
again in His born again, deified body, He will come in flaming
fire, 2Th 1:9; Heb 1:7. Fire is one of God's attributes (Dan
7:9; Heb 12:29), an attribute of angels (2Th 1:9; Heb 11:7) and
will be an attribute of the saints after the resurrection birth
into the fullness of God's divine essence, Eph 1:22-23; 3:19;
Col 2:9-10; Jn 17:21-23.
"The wind blows where it wishes, and you hear the
sound of it, but cannot tell where it comes from and where it
goes. So is everyone who is born of the
Spirit," Jn 3:8.
This verse (Jn 3:8) reveals
unequivocally that John 3:3-8 is addressing the resurrection
birth of the bodies of the faithful covenant people, which is
credited to us in water baptism, and will be actually experienced
in the resurrection when Christ returns, IF indeed we are faithful and hold fast to the
end, 1Co 15:1-2; Heb 3:14 (6-19); et al.
During those 40 days between
His resurrection and His ascension, Christ showed by many
convincing proofs (Act 1:3), not only that He was alive, but also
demonstrated what the divine kingdom of God is like.
whom He also showed Himself alive after His suffering, days and
speaking of the things pertaining to the kingdom of
God," Act 1:3.
the twinkling of an eye," the body of Christ was
"born again" in His
resurrection. His body instantaneously experienced an
astronomical metamorphosis from an earthy human body into a
glorious (divine, spirit) heavenly body, 1Co 15:44-52. This
divine new birth of the body is what the faithful covenant people
will experience when Christ returns. We have this new birth now
only in a metaphor of being the body of Christ which body is no
longer a mere human body, 2Co 5:16-17.
How else can we understand
John 3:3-8? Jesus said, "If I have told you earthly things
and you do not believe, how will you believe if I tell you
heavenly things?" Jn 3:12.
Nicodemus and all the Jews
were looking for an earthly kingdom and for an earthly Messiah
who would sit on the earthly throne of David, Lk 19:11.
Nicodemus said, "How can a man be born when he is old? Can he enter
a second time into his mother's womb and be
born?" (Jn 3:4), – as a physical being.
Nicodemus did not understand
the heavenly, divine application of the whole person (spirit and
body) being divinely "born
again" of the Spirit. Although Nicodemus was trying
to think of a new birth of the body, he did not understand the
heavenly new birth application to John 3:8. He was thinking of
flesh being born of flesh, but did not understand that the flesh
body can be born of the Holy Spirit and become both spirit and
divine – a new kind of heavenly body raised in Christ's
resurrection likeness.
Lord's covenant people since the Reformation have adopted a
Protestant interpretation of John 3:3-8 with the spirit of the
believer being born again at first faith and the deification of
the body when Christ returns not being called a birth at all.
Tradition has the body glorified when Christ returns, but not
born again at that time. That would create three births:
1) The birth of both body and spirit
from our parents, 2) A birth of our
spirit at first faith, and 3) A birth
of our body when Christ returns. The Bible addresses the
resurrection of Christ's body as a birth, Col 1:18; Rev 1:5;
Act 13-29-33; Ps 2:7; Heb 1:5-6; 5:5; et al.
Indeed, there is a symbolic
(metaphoric) birth of the body at the time of water baptism, and
there are many types and ceremonial representations and
scriptures in both Old and New Testaments of "partaking of Christ" (a divine birth)
when Christ returns. John 3:3-8 is speaking of the new birth of
the whole person, body and spirit,
which will take place in the resurrection for the faithful
covenant people.
With this introduction to
John 3, we will now look at the beginning of the chapter verse by
was a man of the Pharisees named Nicodemus, a ruler of the
Jews," Jn 3:1.
Nicodemus was a member of the
Sanhedrin and should have known the Scriptures better, but like
most all the Jews he understood little of the mysteries of the
kingdom of God, Mt 13. Even the disciples (apostles) of Jesus
after working very closely with Jesus and being daily taught by
Him for over three years, did not understand many things they
should have understood, Jn 16:12. The crucifixion, death, burial,
and resurrection of Christ, for instance, were demonstrated many
times every day in the offering of animal sacrifices. This lack
of spiritual understanding of the Scriptures did not preclude
Nicodemus from being a true believer and therefore a saved person
in covenant standing with God.
"This man came to Jesus by night and said to Him,
"Rabbi, we know that You are a teacher come from God; for no
one can do these signs that You do unless God is with
him," Jn 3:2.
Nicodemus believed God to be
the God of Moses, a God of great miracles in Egypt, at the Red
Sea, at Mount Sinai, and in the wilderness – the God who
delivered Israel so many times with great miraculous works, the
God of Noah, of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, of Joseph, Moses, and
Joshua, of Samuel, David, and Daniel. He said "we know that You are a teacher come from God, for
no one can do these miracles that you are doing unless God is
with Him."
Nicodemus believed in God as
the God of great miracles, as the God of godly men through whom
He worked great miracles. He believed that Jesus was such a man
of God, and that God was working through Him as a mighty servant
of God. He was firmly convinced that no one could do such great
miracles that Jesus was doing unless God was using that man.
Nicodemus also knew the
animosity the Sanhedrin had toward Jesus. He was well aware of
the religious and political power the Sanhedrin had, therefore he
came to Jesus by night. What little the Scriptures have to say
about Nicodemus portrays him as an honest, God-fearing, and
devout man. As a result, though Nicodemus feared the power of the
Sanhedrin, he rose to the occasion and came to Jesus by night.
His spirit moved him to seek out Jesus in the face of great
danger and talk with Him personally. What righteous man or woman
would not do so?
The two disciples of John (Jn
1:36-41) did so, and they were already saved and already baptized
by John. A covenant woman with an issue of blood for twelve years
did so as she struggled through a large crowd to get to Jesus, Mk
5:25-34. A Roman centurion did so and Jesus marveled at his great
faith, Mt 8:5-10. Two blind men did so as they followed Jesus
crying out to Him for help, Mt 9:27-29. A Gentile woman did so as
she continued to cry after Jesus to cast the demon out her
daughter, and Jesus said "great is your
faith," Mt 15:21-28. At what point did these people
have true, genuine faith? Nicodemus had faith in God and faith
that Jesus was a proper servant of that God. At what point was
Nicodemus' faith sufficient for him to be saved?
"Jesus answered and said to him, "Most assuredly, I say
to you, unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of
4 "Nicodemus said to
Him, "How can a man be born when he is old? Can he enter a
second time into his mother's womb and be born?"
Jn 3:3-4.
Very simply, there are
two Adams: the first Adam, and the
second Adam. Likewise, there are two
bodies: the body of the first Adam is an earthy, mere
human body, while the body of the second Adam is an heavenly,
spirit, divine body from above, 1Co 15;44-50.
There is an
initial and necessary similarity: they both have human bodies;
the first Adam was created with a human body, while the second
Adam was necessarily born into the human body of the first Adam
in order to provide redemption for the first Adam and his
descendants. This redemption has two very different and final
1. Redemption from the Fallen State of the
First Adam and His Descendants.
On the new
earth there will be many nations of saved people who will never
be permitted to enter the New Jerusalem, Rev 22:14.These nations
will be descendants of the first Adam who (these nations) failed
to qualify for the firstborn sonship of Christ. These nations
will be made up partly of saved people who were never in covenant
standing with God. However, these nations will also include the
slave sons or illegitimate (non-covenant) sons who were in
covenant standing but who failed to endure the covenant
disciplinary training and hence failed to qualify for the
firstborn sonship of Christ (Gal 4:19-31; 5:1-4; Heb 12:8) – see
earlier articles on the firstborn sonship of Christ. Furthermore,
the people of those nations on the new earth will never receive
glorified new birth bodies – a later article will be devoted to
the subject of glorification. These people will forever be mere
human beings – a race of the first Adam's descendants only,
who will be forever enslaved to the physical laws of the
2. Redemption into a Divine State of
In His
resurrection, Christ created a "new
man" – a new (kainos) race of mankind, a divine man,
filled with all the fullness (all the attributes) of the divine
essence of God.
"For we are His workmanship, created IN
Christ Jesus (in the body of Christ) for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we
should walk in them.....
13 "But now IN Christ Jesus you who once were far away have
been brought near through the blood of Christ.
14 "For He Himself is our peace, who has made the two
one (in one body) and has destroyed
the barrier, the dividing wall of hostility,
15 "By abolishing
in His flesh the Law
(Covenant) with its commandments and
regulations. His purpose was to create IN
Himself one new man of the two, thus making peace
(between the two in the one new body),
"And IN (within the sphere of,
as members of) this one body to
reconcile both of them to God through the cross, by which He put
to death their hostility," Eph 2:1-,13-16.
The "new man" is created "IN Christ
Jesus," "in one
body," not outside of Christ, not outside the body of
Christ. People outside the body of Christ are not reconciled to
God because the middle wall of partition between the first Adam
and the second Adam is not broken down outside the body of
Christ. Saved people are still "Gentiles" outside the body of Christ,
Mt 18:17; Rom 11:11-22; Rev 21:23-26. The middle wall of
partition also represents the curse and condemnation of the old
man All the flesh limitations and offensive obstacles are erased
in the new deified body, Gal 4:19-31; 5:1-5; Col 2:20-21; 3:1-10;
Heb 10:19.
The "new man" is created "IN Christ Jesus,"
"IN His flesh,"
"IN Himself," "IN one body," Eph 2:10-16.
Christ is currently the only one who possesses the "new man." We must still "put off" the old man, and "put on" the new man. If we were already really born again, we would not
have to be "putting off" the
old man, and "putting on"
the new man daily. Conversely, if we
are constantly putting off the old man and putting on the new man
by the renewing of our minds (Rom 12:1-2; Eph 4:22-24; Col
3:1-10-32); if we are progressively
feeding and growing on Christ's flesh and blood (Jn 6:27-68);
and if we with unveiled face, are
constantly beholding the glory of the Lord (by feeding on His
Word, Mt 4:4) and are thereby being progressively transformed in
the same image (of Christ) from glory to glory (2Co 3:17-18);
then we will be born again into the glorious divine image of
Christ in the resurrection when Christ returns.
brethren, having boldness to enter the Holiest by the blood of
20 "By a new and living
way which He consecrated for us, through the veil, that is, His
flesh." Heb 10:19-20.
The new and living way is by
the new birth of the body (the whole person) into a deified state
of being, which can traverse space and into the very presence of
God in a moment of time.
"This hope we have as an anchor of the soul, both sure and
steadfast, and which enters the Presence behind the veil,
20 "Where the forerunner
has entered for us, even Jesus, having become High Priest forever
according to the order of Melchizedek," Heb
The slave sons, the
illegitimate sons, the non-covenant sons, the other than
firstborn sons, even the nations on the new earth in flesh bodies
will not have access into the presence of God for they will not
be firstborn sons in divine bodies. We must daily qualify through
covenant disciplinary training for the new birth transformation
(metamorphosis) into the deified resurrection likeness of Christ
in order to have access into the presence of God. Again, this is
done by being members of the freshly slain and living (deified)
body of Christ, Heb 10:19-20; 2Co 5:16-17; Eph 2:16-22
observe God's own description of the new birth of the second
Adam in the following verses:
"It is sown a natural body, it is raised a spiritual body.
There is a natural body, and there is a spiritual body.
45 "And so it is
written, "The first man Adam became a living being."
The last Adam became a life-giving spirit.
46 "However, the
spiritual is not first, but the natural, and afterward the
47 "The first man
(first Adam) was of the earth, made of dust;
the second Man (second Adam) is the
Lord from heaven.
48 "As was the man of
dust, so also are those who are made of dust; and as is the
heavenly Man, so also are those who are heavenly.
49 "And as we have borne
the image of the man of dust, we shall also bear the image of the
heavenly Man.
50 "Now this I say,
brethren, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God;
nor does corruption inherit incorruption," 1Co
But this will be true only of
those who stand fast in the Word of the Gospel, 1Co 15:1-2; Heb
3:6-19; et al.
Christ was born only twice: He was born first into the earthy body
of the first Adam, and was born the second time in His
resurrection into a divine body, and thereby creating another
human race – a divine human race. God has not provided three
births for His faithful covenant people: we have all been born
first (both body and spirit) into the natural state of the first
Adam. In the resurrection the faithful covenant people will be
born again (both body and spirit) into the divine state of being
of the second Adam. Possessing all the attributes of God requires
the deification of the human spirit and body.
The mind is an integral part
of the spirit, as the brain is an integral part of the body. The
mind and the spirit are one entity out of the body (Lk 16:19-31;
Rev 6:9-11), and are one entity with the body when in the body.
To say that the "soul"
(psyche) is a third part of man, making man a threefold being, is
equivalent to saying that the man's "heart," "soul,'
"mind," and "strength" (Lk 10:27) require man to be
a fivefold or sixfold being instead of a twofold being.
The Son of God was born into
the earthy body of the first Adam in order to:
1. Become a Kinsman Redeemer, the Son of Man –
"in the likeness of men,"
Phi 2:7.
purpose was and is to take of the lowest of His intelligent
creatures and elevate them to the highest state of created
beings, and do so within the firstborn sonship of Christ. To do
so, it was necessary for the Son of God to become "the Son of man" in order to be our
Kinsman Redeemer. This was the first birth for Christ.
2. Become the Testator of a Last Will and
Testament, by Becoming the Seed of the Woman, Gen 3:15; Isa 7:14;
9:6-7; Gal 4:4; Heb 9:16-17.
The Son of
God became the Seed of the woman, our Kinsman Redeemer, and
Testator of the last will and testament. In introducing the Old
Testament, a chapter will be devoted to the Kinsman Redeemer and
Testator of the last will and testament. This will greatly
enhance our understanding of the Scriptures.
3. Live a Perfect Life as a Man to Reveal
God's Attributes, Heb 1:3; Jn 14:8-11; Rom 9:22-23.
permitted man to be tempted and sin in order to demonstrate His
attributes of love, compassion, mercy, patience, holiness,
justice, etc., otherwise we would never know the riches of the
fullness and essence of God's divine nature.
The attributes of God were
somewhat manifested through the human flesh body of Christ, but
will be manifest fully through the divine body He received in His
resurrection birth.
4. Live a Perfect Life as a Man to Learn
Obedience through Suffering, Heb 5:8-9.
As the
example for the faithful covenant people in human bodies, Christ
learned obedience by the things He suffered. We must learn the
discipline of holiness by the disciplinary training under
God's covenants, Heb 12. This covenant training affects every
facet of our lives every day of our lives. God is the Author of
everything that happens to us, and His purpose is that we learn
to handle all the problems of life and how to govern in such an
5. Live a Perfect Life as a Man to Provide a
Way of Redemption from Sin into a Sinless State of Existence for
the Nations on the New Earth, etc.
redemption plan obviously includes a new earth "wherein dwells righteousness," 2Pe
3:13. That would not be the case if Satan, all evil spirits, and
evil men were permitted to live wicked, sinful lives forever all
over the new earth. If sinful creatures fill the new earth, then
sin and death are over all the face of the new earth also.
Furthermore, Christ is to
reign through the Millennium and put down all enemies, including
sin and death at the end of the Millennium, 1Co 15:21-38. It
would not appear that all enemies have been put down if the new
earth should be filled with sin and death, evil spirits, and with
sinful mankind.
To say that the whole face of
the new earth outside the New Jerusalem will be the lake of fire,
and that Satan, fallen angels, the Antichrist, the False Prophet,
and all unrepenting mankind will dwell everywhere outside the New
Jerusalem forever is contrary to the Scriptures, 2Pe 3:13; Rom
8:19-22; 1Co 15:24-28.
6. Live a Perfect Life as a Man to Provide a
Way of Redemption from Sin into the Divine State of Glory for the
Faithful Covenant People, Rom 3:23; 2Pe 1:3; 2Th 2:14; Isa 43:21;
1Pe 2:9.
The purpose
of God in the beginning was that the covenant people faithfully
endure God's covenant discipline and thereby qualify for the
glory and fullness of Godhood within the firstborn sonship of
Christ. "This people I have formed for
Myself; they shall declare My praises," Isa 43:21;
1Pe 2:9.
7. Create a New Kind of Man out of the First
Adam Who Failed in the Pursuit of this Unique Firstborn Sonship
of Christ Offered through the Covenants.
The first
Adam and all his descendants have sinned and have come short of
the glory of God, and thereby have initially aborted the divine
firstborn sonship which God offered and is still offering through
the covenants. When the first Adam sinned all his descendants
sinned in him, and God has demonstrated through the covenants,
especially the Law Covenant, that man in his natural state cannot
qualify for the divine firstborn sonship created by Christ in His
resurrection birth into a divine human body.
It is true that a man cannot
enter again into his mother's womb and be born a second time
into a divine state of being. However, he can enter into the womb
of the crucifixion, death, and burial of the old man (the sinful
first Adam) and then be raised in a divine birth of this human
body into the spirit (heavenly, divine) body in the second
The human body that Jesus
received from Mary in a human birth underwent a metamorphosis
birth into a divine body in Christ's resurrection from the
dead. According to the purpose of the Father and by the work of
the Holy Spirit, the body of Jesus experienced a divine birth
into a divine state of being, so that the body of Christ also now
possesses all the essence of the divine fullness, Col 1:15,18;
Rev 1:5; 1Co 15:44-50; Heb 1:5-6; 5:5; Col 2:9. After this
manner, the Father created the firstborn sonship of Christ,
according to His purpose from before the foundation of the world,
Eph 1:11; 3:11; 1Pe 1:18-20; Act 2:22-35.
And from the time of
Adam's creation, God has been offering this divine sonship
through the covenants. Though the first Adam sinned and initially
forfeited the divine firstborn sonship, God's purpose
provided for a redemption plan through a revised covenant with
the first Adam and his descendants. This redemption plan,
included in the revised covenant with Adam (a last will and
testament, which is the heart of all the covenants), provides the
promise of a second Adam to be born out of the descendants of the
first Adam. This Second Adam would perfectly fulfil all the
covenant requirements, pay the sin debt of all mankind, and in
His resurrection create and inherit the divine firstborn sonship
initially forfeited by the first Adam and his descendants.
The new birth lies in the
resurrection birth of the body of Christ – a new kind of divine,
spirit body from above. In His resurrection, Christ was born
again – born a second time. His first birth as a human was the
virgin birth as a human birth. Then Christ's body was born again into a divine state when He
was raised out of the grave and became the Firstborn from the
dead, Col 1:15,16; Rev 1:5; Act 13:30-33; Heb 1:5-6; 5:5. We must
be "born again" in the
resurrection of our bodies as Christ was born again in the
resurrection of His body. We must be born again in order for our
body (and spirit) to enter and experience the divine kingdom of
God made up only of divine beings.
answered, "Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born
of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God
," Jn 3:5.
In the foregoing volumes on
the firstborn sonship of Christ, we have repeatedly demonstrated
that the "new birth" will
take place in the resurrection when Christ returns. Water baptism
is a picture (a figure, a symbol) of
the resurrection of the body. It is in the resurrection that the
bodies of the faithful covenant people
will be glorified (deified, born of the Spirit). The
glorification of the human body requires a birth of the body as
described in 1Co 15:44-50 (Col 1;18; Rev 1:5; Act 13:30-33;
2:25-28; Ps 2:7; Heb 1:5-6; 5:5; et al.
No one is really born again
at the time of water baptism, but God counts certain "things which be not, as though they
were," Rom 4:17. Baptism is a picture (a figure, a symbol) of the new birth
which will take place in the resurrection, and even though we
were not really born again in baptism, God counts (reckons,
credits) us as though we were born again in baptism. This
metaphorically pictures us as being baptized together with and
into the deified body of Christ.
Therefore we were metaphorically baptized into the crucifixion,
death, burial, and divine resurrection birth of the body of
Christ, Rom 6:2-13; 7:4-6; 1Co 12;12-13; Gal 3:27; Col 2:11-13;
1Pe 1:3-5; 3:21.
The church was organized
before Christ was crucified and was counted metaphorically as
being the body of Christ at the time Christ instituted the
Lord's Supper, Mt 26:26-28. The unleavened bread of the
Lord's Supper represents the Lord's body, but the bread
also represents the church as being the body of Christ. And by
taking the Lord's supper in the proper manner we "discern the body of Christ," 1Co 11:29
(17-34); 10:16-18; 5:1-13.
answered, "Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born
of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God
," Jn 3:5.
It is on the basis of this
metaphoric birth (in water baptism) that we received the Holy
Spirit – the Spirit was not given until Pentecost because
Christ's body was not glorified (deified) until His
resurrection birth from the dead, Jn 7:39. The church was counted
(credited) as being the body of Christ before His crucifixion (Mt 26:26-28); therefore,
when Christ was crucified, the church, as the body of Christ, was
counted (reckoned, credited) by God as being crucified together
with and in the body of Christ, dying together with and in the
body of Christ, being buried together with and in the body of
Christ, and being raised together with and in the body of Christ.
In this resurrection together with and in the body of Christ, the
bodies of the members of the church are credited by God as being
"born again" together with
and in the body of Christ in the resurrection birth of the body
of Christ, Rom 6:2-13-23; 7:4-6; 8:1-13; Col 2:9–3:11; et al.
The body of Christ therefore
being deified (born again), the bodies of the members of the
church, as the members of the born again (deified) body of
Christ, were and are also counted (Rom 4:17) as being deified
(born again as firstborn deified sons) together with Christ. On
this basis, the Holy Spirit was given to the members of the
church on Pentecost (Gal 4:4-6; Rom 8:23-30) and is given to true
believers when they are baptized into the deified body of Christ,
Act 2:38; 19:1-3; 1Co 12:13; et al.
Being born of water in Jn 3:5
refers to water baptism, which is a picture of the new birth which will take place in
the resurrection. Being born of the Spirit in Jn 3:5 refers to
the real new birth of our bodies into divine, spirit bodies in
the resurrection when Christ returns. Of course, our spirits will
also undergo a divine birth along with our bodies when Christ
returns. The mind is spirit and is an integral part of the spirit
as the brain is flesh and is an integral part of the body. As the
mind is sinful (Mt 15:18-20) so the spirit is also sinful, 2Co
by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to
His mercy He saved us, through the washing
of regeneration (the new birth) and renewing of the Holy
Spirit," Titus 3:5.
Being born of water and of
the Spirit speak of the symbolic (metaphoric) birth of the body
in water baptism. This must be associated with Rom 6:3-6 where
baptism symbolizes being joined to the
crucified, dead, buried, raised and deified body of Christ. This
is a figure, a symbol, a metaphor, but this act of
faith-obedience is a work of the Holy Spirit by grace through
faith, 1Co 15:10; Phi 2:12-13; Mt 10:19-20; Col 2:12.
"That He might sanctify and cleanse her with the
washing of water by the
Word," Eph 5:26 (25-27).
"And such were some of you. But you were washed, but you were sanctified, but you were
justified in the name of the Lord Jesus and by the Spirit of our
God," 1Co 6:11.
"Sanctify them by Your truth. Your word is
truth," Jn 17:17.
We are daily cleansed by the
Holy Spirit led faith-obedience to the Word of God. We were
initially cleansed (sanctified) in the waters of baptism, where
we first put off the old man and put on the new man through the
crucifixion cycle of the body of Christ, and the church
metaphorically being that body. In our day, we are baptized into
the crucifixion cycle.
The word for "washing" is from loutron, which means a
whole body washing – not washing a part of the body, but washing
the whole body. There is only one ceremonial "washing" ordinance in the New Covenant,
and that is water baptism. John 13 gives us precisely the
explanation we need, then we will follow it through the New
Testament and at a later date through the Old Testament.
eating the Passover, eating the Lord's Supper, and
establishing the Lord's Supper as a New Covenant ordinance,
"Rose from supper and laid aside His garments, took a towel
and girded Himself.
5 "After that, He poured
water into a basin and began to wash the disciples' feet, and
to wipe them with the towel with which He was girded.
6 "Then He came to Simon
Peter. And Peter said to Him, ‘Lord, are You washing my
7 "Jesus answered and
said to him, ‘What I am doing you do not understand now, but you
will know after this.'
8 "Peter said to Him,
‘You shall never wash my feet!' Jesus answered him,
‘If I do not wash you, you have NO PART with
Me,'" Jn 13:4-8.
Peter did not understand what
Jesus was doing. Of course, Jesus was teaching humility, but
Peter's actions brought out a much deeper meaning in this
than the virtue of humility. Also, of course, washing the hands
and feet of the priests under the Law Covenant signified the
cleansing of daily sins for daily ministering in the holy service
of God in the tabernacle and temple. And this washing of the
hands and feet at the laver was so serious and necessary that
without it the priest would be immediately killed by the Lord, Ex
30:17-21. In the case of Jesus washing the disciples feet, Jesus
said, "If I do not wash you (your feet),
you have no part with Me."
Failing to
wash their hands and feet as they ministered in the tabernacle or
temple meant death. Such a death was a type of what Jesus warned Peter. It meant being
cut off from the covenants and the covenant people. Every promise
in the covenants is related to Christ and His firstborn sonship.
Having "no part" with Christ
meant Peter would be cut off from Christ and have "no part" with Christ in His firstborn
sonship. Peter did not understand the matter yet, but he wasted
no time in trying to correct his words and actions:
"Simon Peter said to Him, ‘Lord, not my feet only, but also
my hands and my head!'
10 "Jesus said to him,
‘He who is bathed needs only to
wash his feet, but is completely
clean; and you are clean, but not all of you,'"
Jn 13:9-10.
Jesus here gives us the
key to the Old Testament whole body
washing ceremonies. We will discuss only the New Covenant
application in this chapter. This key
aids to unlock our understanding to the "earthly things" versus "heavenly things" about which Jesus
spoke to Nicodemus – the mystery of godliness in its broader
sweep, Jn 3:12; 1Ti 3:16; Eph 3:8-11.
The word translated
"wash" is from nipto, which
is used when washing a part of the body such as hands and feet.
However, the word translated "bathe" (louo) is used when addressing
the washing of the whole body.
Jesus was washing the
disciples' hands and feet, and when Peter asked him to wash
his whole body, Jesus said you have already had your whole body
washed. Jesus was talking specifically about John's baptism –
there is no other whole body washing in the New Covenant. Jesus
washing their hands and feet signified a daily cleansing from
daily sins, while the whole body washing addressed the once for
all purging of the whole body from sin, which will take place in
the resurrection, but is symbolized in water baptism which is
never repeated if it is truly John's baptism.
Aaron and
his sons had their whole body washed at the laver before the
tabernacle when they were ordained into the Law Covenant
priesthood, Deu 29:4; Lev 8:5-6. The ordination of the New
Covenant priesthood was and is by John's baptism – all church
members are priests of God within the New Covenant priesthood.
John's baptism is a whole body washing and is required for
initiation into the New Covenant priesthood. This whole body
washing is necessarily followed by the daily washing of the hands
and feet which represented daily cleansing from daily sins, Ex
30:19-20. This is the spiritual meaning of washing the feet in
John 13. Let us follow this whole body washing through the New
"And such were some of you. But you were washed, but you
were sanctified, but you were justified in the name of the Lord
Jesus and by the Spirit of our God," 1Co 6:11.
The word washed is from
"louo", addressing the whole
body washing of water baptism. No saved person is washed from all
of life's sins at initial faith. One is saved from hell at
first faith, and forgiven of all sins related to salvation from
hell, Ps 19:1-6; Jn 1:9; Act 14:16-17; 17:24-28; Rom 1:20; Rev
21:23-26; et al. However, the sins of
the daily life must be confessed and forgiven many, many times
throughout the Christian's lifetime, and can be confessed and
forgiven only as one walks in the light in the body of Christ
after John's baptism, Lk 7:29-30; Col 2:11-13; 1Jn 1:5-7.
"That He might sanctify and cleanse her with the washing of
water by the Word," Eph 5:26.
The word for "washing" is from "loutro," again signifying John's
baptism – a whole body washing, specifically in connection with
the laver in front of the tabernacle, Ex 29:4; Lev 8:6. This is
the whole body washing of John's baptism, required for
ordination to the New Covenant priesthood.
"Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but
according to His mercy He saved us, through the washing of regeneration and renewing of the Holy
Spirit," Ti 3:5.
Here also the word for
washing is "loutrou," and again signifying a whole body
washing, specifically in connection with the laver before the
tabernacle. Once more, this is the whole body washing of
John's baptism required for ordination of the New Covenant
priesthood. This washing is specifically called a "washing of regeneration" (washing of
new birth), a ceremonial and pictorial washing of the new birth.
No one is literally born of God in baptism; however, baptism
metaphorically joins one to the deified (glorified) body of
Christ. And on the basis of the body of Christ being glorified
(deified), the Holy Spirit is given to the church, Jn 7:39; Rom
8:23; Gal 4:4-6. The Holy Spirit is "ONE" with deity, and therefore is given
to each member of the church because each member of the church is
metaphorically counted as deified members of the deified body of
Christ, Rom 6:2-13; Col 2:9 thru 3:11; Eph 2:10-16;
us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith, having
our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience and our bodies washed with pure water," Heb
The word "washed" is from louo, and in this
context means the whole body washing of John's water baptism.
John's baptism prepared people for the establishing of the
church, and in turn, the church became the repository of
John's baptism, the repository of the divine nature of the
deified body of Christ, and the repository of the New Covenant
(last will and testament) and all its promises. After the church
was establish, John's baptism became the initiatory ordinance
into the church, into the body of Christ (into Christ), and into
the New Covenant (the last will and testament, Heb 9:16-16) with
all the New Covenant promises. One must have this whole body
washing, this baptism into Christ, in order to share in the new
birth of Christ's resurrection body, 2Jn 9; 1Jn 2:23-25;
In this way, baptism is
efficacious; that is, without John's baptism one cannot be
joined to the body of Christ. Baptism produces the transition
from not being members of the body of Christ into the metaphor of
being members of the body of Christ. Baptism thereby provides the
metaphoric transition from the "old
man' to the "new
man." Thereafter, this transition of putting off the
old man and putting on the new man must be made often each day by
"the renewing of our minds,"
Rom 12:1-2; 2Co 3:18; Eph 4:20-32; Col 3:1-17. The believer
cannot be a member of the body of Christ and the bride of Christ
without baptism, Mt 3:13-17; Lk 7:29-30; Jn 13:8-10; Rom 6:3-6;
1Co 12:13; Gal 3:27-29; Eph 5:26; Col 2:11-13; et al. This makes
baptism efficacious in the salvation of the life into the divine
state of being.
The whole body washing is
specifically called "a washing of
new birth" (Ti 3:5), and
is also addressed as a "washing of water
by the Word," Eph 5:26. It is not merely the whole
body washing of baptism, but the Word of
God that joins one to Christ by scriptural water baptism.
It is the "by grace through
faith" obedience to the Word, and the Word requires
John's baptism by grace through faith, Lk 7:29-30; Col
2:11-17,19-21. Without this baptism the saved person in this age
cannot be joined to Christ, Rom 6:5 (3-5); 1Co 12:13; Gal
This whole body washing of
baptism metaphorically joins one into the deified body of Christ,
Rom 6:3-5 (2-13); 7:4-6; 1Co 6:15-17; 12:13; Gal 3:27; Eph
2:10-16; 4:11-24; Col 2:9 thru 3:11. The baptized person is
thereby counted as crucified, dead, buried, and raised as a
deified member of the deified (glorified) body of Christ, which
qualifies one for receiving the Holy Spirit. This is precisely
what Jesus had and still has in mind in John 3:5 (3-8).
1. Jesus demonstrated His resurrection birth to
the two disciples on the road to Emmaus, Lk 24. Describe how
Christ demonstrated His new born state of being to them according
to Jn 3:8.
2. Later the same day Jesus demonstrated the quality of His new
born divine body to the disciples who were gathered together in
Jerusalem, Lk 24. Describe this event in accordance with Jn
3. A week later Jesus demonstrated both the divine nature and the
human nature of His body again to the disciples, Jn 20:24-29.
Explain how Jesus did this in the light of Jn 3:8.
4. Specify some of the divine features of Christ's divinely
born human body.
5. Define the new and living way by which we draw near to God
according to Heb 10:19-20 and 6:19-20.
6. Jesus said one must be born of water and of the Spirit, Jn
3:5. Explain the water and the Spirit applications of this
7. Again Jesus said to Peter, "If I do
not wash you, you have no part with Me," Jn 13:8.
What did Jesus mean by this statement?
8. The deified flesh body of Christ is the veil. What does this
have to do with entering into the presence of God behind the
9. Correlate the whole body washing of Jn 13:8-10 with John's
10. Show the reciprocal relationship between the "whole body washing" of water baptism
with the "crucifixion
11. Demonstrate from the Scriptures how John's baptism is
12. Interpret Heb 10:19-20 within the context of the crucifixion
cycle. Christ's deified body is our Sacrifice (Rom 12:1-2;
6:13), is the rent Curtain (Mt 27:21; Heb 10:19-20), is the Way
into the holiest of all (Jn 14:6; Heb 10:19-20), and the Holy
Spirit is Christ in us providing the access, Eph 2:18; 3:12; Heb
6:19-20. Explain these features from their "in the body of Christ efficacy" – for
instance, in the light of Heb 10:19-20, Christ is our Sacrifice
only as we are in His body (which the veil represents) – no saved
person outside a true church can pass through the Veil into the
presence of God.