Firstborn Sonship of Christ
Chapter Two
John Three Continued
as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must
the Son of Man be lifted up," Jn 3:14.
Satan would have us forget
that Israel was God's saved, covenant people. He is very
delighted when he can in many ways twist the Scriptures and
deceive us into believing his incorrect interpretations of
God's Word. Satan made major gains in the Reformation by
diverting attention away from the local church as the highest and
only authority for the Gospel (covenant, last will and testament)
Jesus organized, taught, and
established a local church and gave it the Great Commission, Mt
28:18-20; Lk 24:45-49; Act 1:4-8. Only a local church can
assemble (Heb 10:25), maintain the doctrine of Christ (2Jn 9-11),
and function as a holy body as described in 1Cor 5 and Eph
4:15-16. The pseudo universal invisible church made up of all
saved people cannot put any unholy person out of its membership
as required by 1Co 5, and therefore is not a true church. No
church is a true church which does not have the baptism of John
(Jn 7:29-30), which is the circumcision of Christ, Col 2:11-12.
Therefore no one outside a true local church can hold fast in the
faith till the end, Heb 3:6,14; 2Jn 9-11: et al.
From the
time of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, Israel was a believing people
from their early childhood. Joseph's brothers, for instance,
recognized God's judgment upon them for their terrible sin of
selling their brother as a slave, Gen 37 through Gen 50. Observe
how Joseph's brothers gave God credit for their deep
desperation. See how Joseph recognized God's hand in the
whole matter, and comforted his brothers that the entire series
of events were the workings of God to fulfill His holy purpose,
not only for them but also as an instrument of instruction and
praise for all ages to come:
"Joseph said to them, ‘Do not be afraid, for am I in the
place of God?
20 "'But as for you,
you meant evil against me; but God meant it for good, in order to
bring it about as it is this day, to save many people
alive,'" Gen 50:19-20.
"And Joseph said to his brethren, ‘I am dying; but God will
surely visit you, and bring you out of this land to the land of
which He swore to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob.'
25 "Then Joseph took an
oath from the children of Israel, saying, ‘God will surely visit
you, and you shall carry up my bones from here,'"
Gen 50:24-25.
Joseph was 39 years old when
Jacob brought His family down into Egypt (Gen 41:46-47,54;
45:6-11), and Joseph lived for another 71 years of the 215 years
Israel spent in Egypt. Moses was born only 64 years later, which
means there were only 64 years between Joseph and Moses. Moses
then spent about 20 years in his own home learning from his own
parents about God and God's covenants, then another 20 some
years in the courts of Pharaoh being trained in the royalty and
wisdom of Egypt. After this, Moses spent 40 years in the
wilderness learning meekness and patience from God, after which
he led Israel out of Egypt.
The Israelites while in
bondage in Egypt were still God's covenant people, the seed
of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. We will reference some of the
Scriptures which record that they believed God, bowed their
heads, and worshiped God, and God addressed them as His special
covenant people.
Many of them were as bad or
nearly as bad as that truly existing class of saved covenant
people referenced in 2Pe 1:9, who have not added the necessary
Christian virtues and are therefore spiritually blind and
oblivious to the fact they were once purged from their old sins.
This class of saved people have not and will not make their
calling and election sure, 2Pe 1:5-10.
Most of Hebrews 3 is given to
the persistent lack of persevering faith and the ever
accompanying rebellious posture of Israel in the wilderness. They
were filled with complaints and rebellions against God's
covenant disciplinary training. Keep in mind, however, that
Israel was God's covenant people, and that the people were
true believers in God.
Observe how God very greatly
blessed and multiplied the seed of Abraham – "exceedingly:"
"So Israel dwelt in the land of Egypt, in the country of
Goshen; and they had possessions there and grew and multiplied
exceedingly," Gen 47:27.
"But the children of Israel were fruitful and increased
abundantly, multiplied and grew exceedingly mighty; and the land
was filled with them," Ex 1:7.
The alert Hebrew midwives
"feared God" and refused to
do as Pharaoh commanded.
"And the midwives said to Pharaoh, ‘Because the Hebrew women
are not like the Egyptian women; for they are lively and give
birth before the midwives come to them.'
"Therefore God dealt well with the midwives, and the people
multiplied and grew very mighty.
21 "And so it was,
because the midwives feared God, that He provided households for
them," Ex 1:19-21.
When people are in great
anguish, they cry out to God for mercy and help, and that is
precisely what the Israelites did daily under their bitter
slavery in Egypt after Joseph died:
"Now it happened in the process of time that the king of
Egypt died. Then the children of Israel groaned because of the
bondage, and they cried out; and their cry
came up to God because of the bondage.
24 "So God heard their
groaning, and God remembered His covenant
with Abraham, with Isaac, and with Jacob.
25 "And God looked upon
the children of Israel, and God acknowledged
them," Ex 2:23-25; 3:7,9.
God "acknowledged" them and responded to
their crying to Him. The seed of Abraham were God's elect, a
people whom God was uniquely preparing for Himself through many
hard trials and much suffering, Isa 43:21; Heb 12. The seed of
Abraham "groaned because of the bondage,
and they cried out," but to whom did they cry out? If
they were crying out to some false god whom Abraham, Isaac and
Jacob did not know, would God have looked favorably upon them and
have acknowledged them?
Also, for how long did they
cry out to God? They were crying out to God when Moses was born.
After 40 years they were still crying out to God when Moses had
to flee out of Egypt. Another 40 years later they were still
crying out to God – 100 years or more, and it was time for Israel
to be delivered out of Egypt, according to the 430 years God had
predetermined, Ex 12:40-41; Gal 3:17 (15-19).
These were the seed of
Abraham, God's covenant people, who were crying out to God
for help under the bitter slavery which God had predestined them
to experience according to the prescribed covenant training for
His firstborn covenant people. God was ever so keenly listening to Israel's crying out to
Him, was maintaining a caring shepherd's vigilance over them,
and was very greatly (exceedingly)
multiplying them during the 215 years they spent in Egypt, Gen
47:27; Ex 1. And for 80 of those years God was specifically and
uniquely training Moses as His man to lead Israel out of bondage
as He had prophetically promised to Abraham, of which promise
Joseph was so well aware.
When the time arrived, God
said to Moses:
"Then you shall say to Pharaoh, 'Thus says the LORD:
"Israel is My son, My
23 "So I say to you, let
My son go that he may serve Me. But if you refuse to let him go,
indeed I will kill your son, your
firstborn," Ex 4:22-23.
All who stand in this
covenant firstborn position must be persistently and rigidly
trained through hardships and sufferings to learn covenant
obedience. This was true even for Christ as the Son of God in a
human body, Heb 5:8-9; 2:10. The covenant people were in position
to become God's firstborn sons,
and must be rigidly trained in order to qualify for that high and
holy relationship, Heb 12:1-11.
After God had thoroughly
trained (disciplined) Moses both in Egypt for 40 years and in the
desert for another 40 years, He sent Moses to His covenant people
with that message of deliverance and with miraculous powers to
break the iron yoke of the powerful nation of Egypt.
"So the people believed; and
when they heard that the LORD had visited the children of Israel
and that He had looked on their affliction, then they
bowed their heads and
worshiped," Ex 4:31.
Observe the ten great and
terrible plagues God sent upon Egypt, and the distinct difference
God made between the Egyptians and the Israelites in the plagues,
Ex 7 through 12. See how God destroyed all the firstborn of Egypt
and preserved the firstborn of Israel, with specific emphasis on
the "firstborn." Mark also
how Israel believed God and
"by faith" observed the
"That you shall say, 'It is the Passover sacrifice of
the LORD, who passed over the houses of the children of Israel in
Egypt when He struck the Egyptians and delivered our
households.' So the people bowed their
heads and worshiped.
28 "Then the children of
Israel went away and did so; just as the
LORD had commanded Moses and Aaron, so they
did" (by faith), Ex 12:27-28.
"By faith he kept the Passover
and the sprinkling of blood, lest He who destroyed the firstborn
should touch them," Heb 11:28.
lifted up the serpent in the wilderness for these believing,
already saved, yet faltering people.
Was Moses the only one who
kept the Passover "by
faith?" The verses quoted above (Ex 12:27-28) say the
people bowed their heads and worshiped, and obeyed doing
precisely what God through Moses said to do. As Moses observed
the Passover "by faith," so
the people observed the Passover "by
faith," or the firstborn in each of their families
would also die. Israel believed and obeyed "by faith."
With the Egyptian army behind
them and the Red Sea before them, the faith of the Israelites
wavered. But Heb 11:29 says:
"By faith they (Israel) passed
through the Red Sea as by dry land, whereas the Egyptians,
attempting to do so, were drowned," Heb 11:29.
How awkwardly inept we are
and how embarrassingly false this Protestant doctrine is that
says the Israelites were not believers and therefore were not
saved people! The faith of the
Israelites wavered, but they still had faith because the Scriptures say so, Ex 12:27-28;.
"...By faith they passed through the
Red Sea...," Heb 11:19.
faith the Israelites suffered through their bitter slavery
in Egypt, constantly crying out to God for mercy. By faith Israel observed the distinction God made
between the Egyptians and themselves, as His firstborn covenant
people, with these great and terrible plagues upon Egypt.
By faith they bowed their heads and
worshiped and observed the Passover. By
faith they crossed the Red Sea all night long in a very
wide area with the fiery cloud above them, the waters of the Red
Sea standing high on the right and the left, and with dry ground
beneath them. By faith they greatly
feared and hurried across the sea bottom all night long, perhaps
million of them with as many sheep, goats, cattle, household
goods, spoil, etc., and then the next morning watched God's
terrifying judgment from the other side of the sea. By faith Moses stretched out his hand over
Pharaoh's many thousands of troubled chariots, and God
released the awesome power behind the high walls of water and
brought them down over the Egyptian army and destroyed them all
in mighty and fearful vengeance.
faith the Israelites sang for joy on the opposite side of
the Red Sea. The faith of the
Israelites wavered, but when God separated the waters, took some
two million of them across in great anxiety with all their
animals and a great abundance of their livelihood, then destroyed
the Egyptian army in the sea, their faith was revived and they sang the "faith is the victory" song of
"Thus Israel saw the great work which the Lord had done in
Egypt; so the people feared the Lord, and
believed the Lord and His servant Moses," Ex
These were a saved and
circumcised covenant people, the covenant seed of Abraham. God promised Abraham He
would care for them and bring them out of Egypt with great
substance, Gen 15:13-14. How awesome were those terrible plagues,
and how overwhelmed with awe and joy the Israelites were at
God's mighty works! They believed, bowed
their heads, and worshiped.
But then Israel had gone only
three days journey into the wilderness when God put them to
another severe test, Ex 15:22-27. If
we are not being severely distressed by God 's ever-present
disciplinary training, we will end up in that extremely deceptive
and dangerous Laodicean lukewarm state of mind. We must look
forward to, recognize, and endure God's covenant disciplinary
"Now these things became our examples, to the intent that we
should not lust after evil things as they also
lusted," 1Co 10:6.
God did not give us a nation
full of lost people to be our example as to how we are to live a
righteous covenant life and be victorious in our God-appointed
covenant disciplinary training. Israel was God's covenant
people, as we are God's covenant people. They were not
unbelieving, unsaved people. There was a disastrous amount of
unbelief, as there is unfortunately with us, but there was also
believing and obeying on their part, sufficient to be saved, as
slave sons in the divinely inspired allegory (Gal 4:21-31),
though not enough to qualify many of them to be partakers of
Christ in His firstborn sonship, Heb 3:7-19; 1Co 9:27–10:12.
"Now all these things happened to them (the
Israelites) as examples (as types),
and they were written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the ages
have come.
"Therefore let him who is thinking to stand take heed lest
he fall," 1Co 10:1-12.
Why should these words be
"written for our
admonition?" Does this infer that we are also
unsaved? No! It simply means that many of us who have believed
and have been scripturally baptized will also lust and fail to
qualify for the firstborn sonship of Christ by the same lack of
faith and disobedience.
36 "As it
is written: "For Your sake we are killed all day long; We
are accounted as sheep for the slaughter," Rom
"Though He was a Son, yet He learned obedience by the things
which He suffered.
9 "And having been
perfected, He became the author of eternal salvation to all who
obey Him," Heb 5:8-9;
The armed forces are supposed
to be put through very severe and realistic training physically,
mentally, psychologically, and in every way conceivable. Training
educationally should cover every academic area related to the
degree in which the student is majoring. Our training to qualify
us to share in Christ's firstborn sonship likewise covers
every facet of life many times over.
as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must
the Son of Man be lifted up," Jn 3:14; Num
Who were the Israelites who
were bitten by the fiery serpents in the wilderness? Below, we
will continue to demonstrate that these Israelites were saved
covenant people who had believed in the God of Abraham, Isaac,
and Jacob from early childhood. They were true believers who
fainted and rebelled against the severe disciplinary covenant
training God requires of all covenant people in order to qualify
them for the firstborn sonship of Christ.
king of Arad, the Canaanite, who dwelt in the South, heard that
Israel was coming on the road to Atharim, then he fought against
Israel and took some of them prisoners.
2 "So Israel made a vow
to the LORD, and said, ‘If You will indeed deliver this people
into my hand, then I will utterly destroy their cities,'
3 "And the LORD listened
to the voice of Israel and delivered up the Canaanites, and they
utterly destroyed them and their cities. So the name of that
place was called Hormah," Num 21:1-3.
Israel immediately went to
the Lord in prayer and vowed a vow, as stated in the verses
above. This again shows Israel's faith in the Lord. God permitted King Arad to do
this, because nothing can happen to God's covenant people (or
anyone else) without God's permission being granted in minute
detail beforehand, Job 1 & 2; 1Ch 16:14-22.
God heard Israel's
covenant cry and granted their covenant request, and Israel by
God's power utterly destroyed the kingdom and all the cities
of king Arad. This reveals the normal faith-obedience of the
people of Israel.
This happened just before the
Israelites again "spake against God and
against Moses" (Num 21;5), as they had done so many
times, Num 14:22. It is here that God sent fiery serpents into
the camps of the Israelites to bite the people, and many died.
Moses was instructed by God to make a brazen serpent and lift it
up on a pole for the Israelites to look at and be healed when
they were bitten by the serpents.
These were God's people
who believed in God, Gen 18:17-19; Ex
19:4-6; Deu 7:6-11; 26:16-19; 1Pe 2:5,9. They worshiped and
obeyed God but too often fainted and bitterly complained against
God's covenant discipline, as we do and are so often warned
against in the New Covenant, 1Co 9:23-27; 10:1-13; Heb 3 &
12; et al.
"Be careful to follow every command I am giving you today,
so that you may live and multiply and may enter and possess the
land that the LORD promised on oath to your forefathers.
2 "Remember how the LORD
your God led you all the way in the desert these forty years, to
humble you and to test you in order to know what was in your
heart, whether or not you would keep his commands.
3 "He humbled you,
causing you to hunger and then feeding you with manna, which
neither you nor your fathers had known, to teach you that man
does not live day by day on bread alone but on every word that
comes from the mouth of the LORD." God's covenant
people must live every day in this life on every word that
proceeds out of the mouth of God in order that he may live –
receive divine life when Christ returns, and hopefully receive it
more abundantly).
"Your clothes did not wear out and your feet did not swell
during these forty years.
5 "Know then in your
heart that as a man disciplines his son, so the LORD your God
disciplines you.
6 "Therefore you shall
keep the commandments of the Lord your God, to walk in Hs ways
and to fear Him." Deu 8:1-6.
These words describe
God's intent with His covenant training of Israel in the
wilderness those 40 years, and in every day of the lives of Gods
covenant people in every age. This chapter (Deu 8), like so many
others, clearly describes God's detailed care of His covenant
people whom He redeemed according to His promise from Egyptian
slavery. They were not unbelievers, in spite of the many times
they disbelieved and rebelled against God's severe
discipline. In all these harsh experiences Israel had in the
wilderness, God was disciplining them as His special, covenant
"This people have I formed for Myself; they shall shew forth
My praise," Isa 43:21; 1Pe 2:9.
"Behold, I have refined you, but not as silver; I have
tested you in the furnace of affliction," Isa
Most of the Israelites who
were redeemed out of Egypt later died in the wilderness because
they failed the testing (disciplinary training for the firstborn
sonship of Christ), which God's covenant discipline required
(and still requires) for partaking of Christ in His firstborn
sonship. Those Israelites were, and still are, saved from hell;
but they will be severely punished when Christ returns, and will
be slave sons in all ages to come rather than deified firstborn
sons of God. They will be slave sons in perfect bodies on the new
earth, but they will not be "partakers
of Christ" – partakers of what Christ now is, 2Co
5:16-17; 1Co 15:44-50.
There is nothing that can
separate us from Christ (Rom 8:28-39), except the lack of
tenacious faith on our part that holds fast to the end, by grace
through faith:
"For we have become partakers of Christ IF we hold the
beginning of our confidence steadfast to the end,"
Heb 3:14; 1Co 15:1-2; Col 1:21-23; Jn 15:1-6; Rom 11:11-22; Gal
5:1-4; et al.
There is nothing that can
separate us from Christ, however, if we are unfaithful and do not
bear the proper fruit by enduring the covenant training, God will
cut us off from Christ, from the firstborn sonship of Christ,
from the covenants, from the covenant benefits, from the covenant
promises, and from the covenant people, Jn 15:1-11; 1Co
9:27–10:1-12; Rom 8:13,23-25; Rom 11:11-22; Gal 4:21--5:4; Heb
2:1-3; 3:1-19; 6:4-8; 10:25-31; 12:1-17; 2Jn 9-11; Rev 3:14-22;
et al.
The wilderness failure of
Israel is God's example for our instruction. But we Landmark
Baptists have joined the Protestants, have twisted the
Scriptures, and are as sure as the Pharisees that we are safe and
sound. "Therefore let him who is
thinking to stand take heed lest he fall," 1Co
The liability of becoming a
castaway (adokimos, disqualified) from the firstborn sonship of
Christ was very real to the apostle Paul. He said, "Now this I do for the Gospel's sake, that I may
be partaker of it with you....
27 "But I severely
discipline my body and bring it into subjection, lest, when I
have preached to others, I myself should become
disqualified," 1Co 9:23-27.
Paul had Israel's
covenant training in the wilderness keenly in mind, and continued
writing in the most explicit language to this effect:
"Moreover, brethren, I do not want you to be unaware that
ALL our fathers were under the cloud,
ALL passed through the sea,
2 "ALL were baptized into Moses in the cloud
and in the sea,
3 "ALL ate the same spiritual food,
4 "And ALL drank the same spiritual drink. For they
drank of that spiritual Rock that followed them, and that Rock
was Christ.
5 "But with most of them God was not well
pleased, for their bodies were scattered in the
wilderness," 1Co 10:1-5.
Paul wrote these words to
saved and scripturally baptized church members in the church in
Corinth. We are adding to and diminishing from God's holy
Word when we try to apply these words to lost people, and God
says that is dangerous, whether we want to believe it or not, Rev
22:18-19. The word "ALL" is
emphasized five times, and it is urged twice in this passage (1Co
10:6,11) that this covenant disciplinary training of the
Israelites constitutes inspired examples of the covenant
disciplinary training set before us in the New Covenant. The same
covenant people referenced in 1Co 10:1-12 are referenced again in
Heb 3:7-19 with precisely the same warnings of aborting the
firstborn sonship of Christ.
As Christ learned obedience
by the things He suffered (Heb 5:8-9), so must we learn obedience
the same way. Christ was tempted (tested, trained, disciplined)
in all points just as we are (Heb 4:15), and we must learn
obedience as He did under the same covenant discipline, Heb
4:13-16; 12:1-29.
There were only 64 years
between the death of Joseph and the birth of Moses. Moses'
father and grandfather were both probably contemporaries with
Joseph's later life and Moses' early life, Ex 6:16-20,
and were all godly men.
Amram was Moses' father,
(Gen 46:8-11; Ex 6:18-20,26) and was a godly man just as
Moses' mother was a godly woman, because Moses was thoroughly
taught the true faith of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Moses had the
true faith so embedded in his heart that he refused all this
world had to offer in order to be a "partaker of Christ," Heb 11:24-27.
As God's covenant people
in true churches, we are urgently warned (1Co 9:23–10:12; Heb 3:6
- 4:11) over and over again throughout the Bible of making the
same fatal mistake, as the fathers made in the wilderness, of
aborting the firstborn sonship of Christ by crucifying to
ourselves the Son of God afresh, Heb 2:1-3; 3:6–4:11; 6:4-8;
10:25-31; 12:15-29; et al. These often repeated warnings are to
be taken very seriously and with the greatest urgency.
It is beyond reason for
anyone to think those Israelites who fell in the wilderness were
not saved, covenant people. Indeed, they were God's true
covenant people, who truly believed, bowed their heads, and
worshiped God, but who made shipwreck of their holy faith and
disqualified themselves from becoming firstborn sons and from
being "partakers of Christ"
in the new birth in the resurrection, 1Co 9:24-27; 10:1-12; Heb
"And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even
so must the Son of Man be lifted up," Jn 3:14; Num
Moses lifted up the serpent
in the wilderness before the eyes of God's saved covenant
people, who were receiving God's covenant training and were
failing because of gross acts of unbelief and disobedience.
"Moreover, brethren, I do not want you to be unaware that
ALL our fathers were under the cloud,
ALL passed through the sea,
2 "ALL were baptized into Moses in the cloud
and in the sea,
3 "ALL ate the same spiritual food,
4 "And ALL drank the same spiritual drink. For they
drank of that spiritual Rock that followed them, and that Rock
was Christ.
5 "But with most of them God
was not well pleased, for their bodies were scattered in the
6 "Now these things
became our examples, to the intent that we should not lust after
evil things as they also lusted," 1Co 10:1-6.
It is appalling that anyone
would accuse the Israelites of being unsaved unbelievers in the
light of all the explicit proof from many scriptures that they
were true though faltering believers, as demonstrated in this
article. Such persistent denying the doctrine of Christ is to
one's own eternal injury, 2Pe 3:14-18; 2Jn 9-11; Rev
As Moses lifted up the
serpent in the wilderness, so must the Son of man be constantly
lifted up before the eyes of God's covenant people that we
should be constantly reminded that our sins put Christ on the
cross – not just for Adam's sin, but for our daily sins. The
serpent on the pole was for the daily sins of God's covenant
people, for the many sins of rebellion against God's covenant
discipline. Indeed, Christ died for Adam's initial sin, but
Christ also died for all Adam's sins throughout the 930 years
he lived thereafter.
God is offering far more than
salvation from hell, though salvation from hell is truly a great
salvation. Adam, in his sinless state (which state the nations
will possess on the new earth) was enslaved to the elementary
(rudimentary) forces of the material or physical universe. God
put the tree of life in the Garden of Eden (Gen 2), and thereby
held out to Adam, in a covenant offer, a far superior life (state
of being) than Adam possessed in his initial earthy though
perfect body.
That superior life is
God's own divine life, and is offered only through the
covenants and only through the nation of Israel, Deu 4:7-8;
29:29; Lev 20:23-26; Ps 103:7; 147:19-20; Rom 2:28-29; 11:11-22;
1Pe 2:5,9. In the current age, Israel has been rejected, and the
church is metaphorically called the body of Christ, and thereby
holds the New Covenant position and its firstborn sonship of
Christ, Gal 3:26-29; 4:21-31; 5:1-5; Eph 2:10-22; 2Co 6:16-18;
Rom 11:11-22; et al. The person scripturally put out of the
Lord's church is counted by God as belonging to one of the
nations, and no longer in the covenant position, Mt 18:15-17; Rom
11:11-22; 2:28-29.
God had an eternal purpose in mind when He created the
nations (Gen 10 & 11), and there will be many nations on the
new earth, Rev 21:23-26; 22:1-2. God's purpose in the nations
is not to be compared with what God is offering in Christ,
because "in Christ" there
are no nations – no national distinctions, Gal 3:28; Col
l"Then you shall say to Pharaoh, 'Thus says the
LORD: "Israel is My son, My
23 "So I say to you, let
My son go that he may serve Me. But if you refuse to let him go,
indeed I will kill your son, your firstborn,'" Ex 4:22-23.
"And to the church of the firstborn
ones enrolled in heaven, and to God the judge of all, and
to spirits of righteous men made perfect," Heb 12:23;
Rom 8:29.
Observe the emphasis put on
the firstborn throughout the scriptures: Gen 4:4; 49:3; Ex
4:22-23; 11:5; 12:12-15,29; 13:2,13,15; 22:29; 23:16,19;
34:19-26; Lev 2:12,14; 23:10,17.20; 27:26; Num 3:12-13,40-51;
8:16-26; 18:12-19; 28:26; Deut 12:6,17; 14:23; 15:19; 18:4;
21:16-17; 25:5-6; 26:10; Neh 10:34-37; Ps 78:51; 89:27; 105:36;
Prov 3:9; Jer 2:3; Rom 8:29; Col 1:18; Heb 12:23; James 1:18; Rev
God has sons other than
firstborn sons who are called slave sons, Gal 4:21-31. These
slave sons are also called "illegitimate" sons (Heb 12:8), which
means such sons have forfeited the covenant firstborn sonship
offered through the covenants and through the body of Christ. The
faithful covenant people are qualifying to share in the divine
firstborn sonship of Christ (Col 1:18; Rev 1:5; Act 13:30-33; 1Co
15:1-2,44-50; Heb 1:5-6; 5:5; 2Pe 1:3-4), while all other saved
people will remain mere flesh sons in flesh bodies eternally (the
"glory" belongs to Israel –
the glory belongs to the faithful covenant people, Rom 9:4; 1Co
15:1-2; Col 1:5,21-23,27; 2Co 4:17–5:5; 2Pe 1:3-5; Rom
8:6,13,17-30). These other sons will populate the nations during
the Millennium (Dan 7:13-14) and on the new earth, (Rev 21:23-26;
22:1-2; Mt 18:17; Rom 11:11-22), however there are no nations (no
national distinctions) "in
Christ," Gal 3:28-29; Col 3:11. The expression,
"in Christ," almost always
means in the body of Christ.
Being "in Christ" (in the body of Christ) we
are by the New Covenant credited as being what Christ
now is – not the mere flesh body He was in before His
resurrection, but in His heavenly, born again, divine, spirit
body, which He received when He became the "firstborn from the dead," Col 1:18; Rev
1:5; Act 13:30-33; Heb 1:5-6; 5:5; 1Co 15:44-50:
"Therefore, from now on, we regard no one according to the
flesh. Even though we have known Christ according to the flesh,
yet now we know Him thus no longer.
17 "Therefore, if anyone
is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away;
behold, all things have become new," 2Co 5:16-17; Eph
2:10-16; 4:22-24; Col 3:10.
These verses reveal to us
that we are no longer to "know" (look upon) Christ in a mere
flesh body, but as He now is in a deified spirit body. We are no
longer to think of Christ merely as an earthy man, but as a
heavenly man. We are no longer to love and experience Christ as
the Son of God in a mere human body, but as our kinsman in a new,
born again, divine body in which all the fullness of the divine
nature dwells at home, Col 2:9. And since we are metaphorically
counted as the deified members of the deified human body of
Christ, we are to look upon the bodies of each other as born
again, deified members of the deified human body of Christ, 1Co
6:15-17; Col 2:9–3:11; Eph 2:1-22; 4:11-24; 1Pe 1:3-5,23; et
"And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even
so must the Son of Man be lifted up," Jn 3:14.
Moses lifted up the serpent
in the wilderness before the eyes of the saved covenant people of
God. They were saved, covenant people, and had been saved,
covenant people since their early childhood. They had cried out
to God for mercy in their slavery, and had bowed their heads and
worshiped many times as God through Moses worked many highly
observable and awesome miracles before their eyes. They had the
miraculous fiery cloud above them – a cloud for a protective
shade by day and a pillar of fire to give light by night, a
symbol of God's presence to lead, support, protect, and
discipline and train them.
Christ had been held up as
crucified, buried, and raised to new life many, many, times
through the offering of animal sacrifices, the sprinkling of
blood, eating the flesh of the sacrifices, the manna, the water
from the rock, etc. Surely Moses was not remiss! Surely God told
Moses and Moses told the people what the Passover meant, what the
manna meant, what the water from the rock meant, what the
sacrifices meant, and what the sprinkling of the blood meant!
God desires that the holy
life of Christ to be constantly before our eyes. In brief, God
desires that the cross of Christ be constantly portrayed in our
lives for others to see. The cross of Christ, in this respect,
includes the holy life of Christ, His establishing and then
building up of His church, His death, burial, and resurrection to
new life in a new heavenly, born again, divine body.
"But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the
excellence of the power may be of God and not of us.
8 "We are hard pressed
on every side, yet not crushed; we are perplexed, but not in
9 "Persecuted, but not
forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed,
10 "Always carrying
about in the body the dying of the Lord Jesus, that the life of
Jesus also may be manifested in our body.
11 "For we who live are
always delivered to death for Jesus' sake, that the life of
Jesus also may be manifested in our mortal flesh.
12 "So then death is
working in us, but life in you," 2Co 4:7-12.
These verses describe those
who take up their cross (which is the cross of Christ, as our
cross) and follow Christ. We are to bear about in our bodies the
dying of Jesus that the new resurrection, born again, life of
Christ should be manifested in our mortal bodies – we know Christ
no longer after a mere flesh body.
Remember, we are to know no
man after the flesh, 2Co 5:16-17. Though Christ possessed a mere
flesh body until His death, we are to know Him now after His new
born deified body. Knowing no one after the flesh means we are
not to pursue the things of the earthy flesh of this world, but
to set before our eyes or fix in our minds the things that
crucify the carnal, earthy flesh, and treasure the things that
belong to the divine body that Christ now has. We are to portray
that kind of life in our mortal bodies. And that is done as
stated in 2Co 4:7-12 and in the following way:
1 "I
beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you
present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God,
which is your reasonable service.
2 "And do not be
conformed to this world, but be transformed (metamorphosis
of the mind) by the renewing of your mind,
that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect
will of God," Rom 12:1-2.
"But we all, with unveiled face, constantly beholding as in
a mirror the glory of the Lord, are constantly being
transformed (metamorphosis of the mind) into the same image from glory to glory, just as by the
Spirit of the Lord," 2Co 3:18.
Moses did not lift up the
serpent in the wilderness before a nation of unbelieving lost
people. These were saved covenant people about to perish, and
many of them did perish and failed to become "partakers of Christ" in His firstborn
1. Only those in a true church have the counsel
of God and the doctrine of Christ according to Lk 7:29-30; Col
2:11-12; 2Jn 9-11. Explain these passages.
2. Israel in Egypt was a believing, worshiping, and God-fearing
covenant people. Give scriptural examples as proof that this is
3. After Joseph died, Israel was subjected to terrible slavery.
To whom did Israel cry out for help? How did God acknowledge
their cries for mercy? How does this prove they were true
believers in God?
4. How did the midwives treat the Israelite women in birth? What
was their attitude toward God? How did God reward them?
5. See how Job complained in Job 3. Did the Israelites disbelieve
and complain in the beginning of Moses' leadership? What was
their usual response, and their response as they left Egypt?
6. Israel kept the Passover and crossed the Red Sea "by faith," Ex 12 and Heb 11:28-29.
Define how they did this – both complaint and joy.
7. How did God treat Israel after they left Egypt? Could God have
provided an easy life for them without problems? Did God do so?
Why did God make it hard on them? See Heb 5:8-9; 12:1-11.
8. The Israelites rebelled against Moses and against God, and God
sent fiery serpents to bite them and cause them to die in large
numbers. Describe a few other places in the Bible where saved
covenant people rebelled or sinned against God and were punished
9. Israel was God's called, elect, covenant (last will and
testament) nation, Rom 11. Can God's called, elect people
fail to make their calling and election sure? See Rom 11 and 2Pe
1:1-10 and Explain.
10. What relationship does 1Co 10:1-12 have with 1Co 9:27? Define
Paul's fear for the Corinthian church members.
11. The word "all" is used
five times in 1Co 10:1-4. Define why these verses are addressed
to proper covenant, church members.
12. Did the fiery serpents in the wilderness bite only unsaved
unbelievers? Did they bite any true, but rebellious believers?